Active Directory mISV

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Day Job

Well I didn't do any work on this microisv on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. At 4:45 pm on Monday, the email server at work died. So I got to stay until 2 am fixing it, then came back in at 6 am to make sure the early users didn't have any problems. I'll spare you all the blow by blow of fixing the problem unless you ask for it.

In more cheery news, I'm about half done with the last component of the installer a custom action to make some changes to Active Directory. It is the only part of the product or installer that makes any changes to Active Directory so I'm being extra careful with it. It looks like I'll stay on target for having the installer done by the 15th. It is quite frustrating to only have 90 minutes of coding time a day.



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