Active Directory mISV

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Transform part of my MSI plan

Since I decided to use a msi based installer I've been thinking about how to handle the transform file I wanted to make available to the user. Since the installer is pretty simple, ie only two choices to make, I decided I'd just use the Windows Installer API to write a little utility to allow the user to input their responses and generate the transform file. I'm planning to distribute this utility embedded in the msi, so it will have to be installed once manually to get the utility, which isn't a big deal since I decided to not allow the network portion of the install to happen when using the transform file.

I finished the last custom action dll today, now all that is left for the installer is to add some nice text, a EULA, and test the install on all the supported platforms. Oh, and don't forget to test the uninstall and rollback functionality. I hate installers that mess that part up.


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