Active Directory mISV

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


So my head has been bursting with ideas. New product ideas, new marketing ideas, little tweaks I want to make to the product I'm currently working on, new personal projects. The result has been small progress on a lot of projects. So now I have to refocus. Repeat after me:(sorry I'm typing to myself for a minute...Please stand by...) Finish the installer, Finish the installer, Finish the installer. Okay now that I go that out of my system. I have a new plan for my morning work. The night before I am writing down my goals for the next morning. This way I will be totally focused on the task at hand and not tempted to work on other things. Don't get me wrong all the other things are important and need to get done, but I need to finish that pesky installer first so I can get the beta copies out and announce the product.

In the spirit of being unfocused. :) I claimed the lense for Active Directory on last night. I've started modifying it the way I want it, but haven't published any of the changes yet. So if you have any favorite Active Directory resources for developers or admins let me know.



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